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Job Openings Data in Bangladesh

For Techsalerator's Job Openings Data in Bangladesh, the dataset aggregates information from approximately 150,000 job postings sources on a daily basis, ensuring a comprehensive collection of job openings across various sectors and regions.

Business Funding Data in Bangladesh

Techsalerator’s Business Funding Data for Bangladesh provides a detailed and insightful collection of information on all 525 entities in Bangladesh who raised capital essential for investors, market analysts, and business development professionals. This dataset offers a comprehensive look into funding activities and capital raised by companies operating in Bangladesh.

Business Technographic Data in Bangladesh

Techsalerator’s Business Technographic Data for Bangladesh aggregates information from approximately 15,000 technology sources daily, ensuring a comprehensive collection of data on technology stacks, IT infrastructure, and digital tools used by companies across various sectors and regions in Bangladesh.

News Events Data in Bangladesh

Techsalerator's news event data in Bangladesh aggregates 5,795 sites and sources on a daily basis to cover the most comprehensive News Events dataset. It captures and categorizes significant events reported in various news sources, including press releases, industry news, blogs, and PR sites.

Import/Export Trade Data in Bangladesh

Techsalerator’s Import/Export Trade Data for Bangladesh's $500 billion economy provides a detailed and insightful collection of information on international trade activities involving companies in Bangladesh.

KYC Identity Consumer Data in Bangladesh

The Techsalerator Databases cover the KYC Identity Consumer Data on 3,165,872 consumers in Bangladesh. This dataset includes the identity fields of First Name, Last name, age, phone numbers, emails as well as other individual fields on individuals in Argentina.

People and Consumer Contact Data in Bangladesh

The Techsalerator Databases cover the People and Consumer Contact Data for Marketing on 3,165,872 consumers in Bangladesh. This dataset includes the phone numbers, emails as well as addresses of individuals in United Status.

Business ESG Rating Data in Bangladesh

The Techsalerator Databases offer comprehensive ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) data for all 342 prominent companies in Bangladesh. This specialized database is tailored to provide deep insights and analytics for strategic decision-making based on sustainability metrics.

Corporate Actions Market Data Bangladesh

Techsalerator's Corporate Actions Dataset in Bangladesh offers a comprehensive collection on all 342 companies traded on the Chittagong Stock Exchange (XCHG) related to corporate actions, providing valuable insights for investors, traders, and financial institutions. This dataset includes crucial information about the various financial instruments.

End-of-Day Prices Market Data Bangladesh

The Techsalerator Databases offers an extensive dataset of End-of-Day Pricing Data for all 342 companies listed on the Chittagong Stock Exchange (XCHG) in Bangladesh. This dataset includes the closing prices of equities (stocks), bonds, and indices at the end of each trading session.

Direct Contact Data of Business Titles in Bangladesh

The Techsalerator Databases cover Direct Contact Data of Business Titles for all 2,890,044 available contacts in Bangladesh. This Database is used for Marketing purposes.

Business entity relationship Data in Bangladesh

The Techsalerator Databases cover the Business Relatiationship Data between entities on all 41,450 legal and active companies in the country, including all branches, subsidaries, local parent companies and global parent companies

Business Firmographic Data in Bangladesh

The Techsalerator Databases offer complete firmographic information on all 41,450 legal and active companies in the country, including revenue, number of employees, years in business, and business registration types.
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